viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007

H P Lovecraft en el cine

Halloween está a unos pasos y aprovecharé para fusilarme esta lista de películas que son adaptaciones de cuentos de la leyenda de Providence:

Stuart Gordon's gory, cult-classic comedy about re-animated dead people, Re-Animator (1984) - was based on an H.P. Lovecraft serial tale, Herbert West
—Reanimator. The twisted film was followed by additional sequels, also starring Jeffrey Combs as the demented medical student-turned experimental regenerator of dead bodies
- Dr. Herbert West:
The Bride of Animator (1990), d. Brian Yuzna
Beyond Re-Animator (2003), d. Brian Yuzna

Another Lovecraft short story, From Beyond, was the basis of another Gordon/Yuzna collaboration, appropriately titled From Beyond (1986) - with the tagline "Humans Are Such Easy Prey", again featuring veterans Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton. Many films have either been based upon or inspired by H.P. Lovecraft tales, such as the following:

The Haunted Palace (1963) - from The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, from director Roger Corman - one of his "Poe" films; remade in 1991
Die, Monster, Die! (1965, UK), aka Monster of Terror - from The Colour Out of Space; remade in 1987
The Shuttered Room (1967, UK) - aka Blood Island - from The Shuttered Room
The Crimson Cult (1968, UK), aka Curse of the Crimson Altar and The Crimson Altar - based on The Dreams in the Witch-House; featuring a late appearance by Boris Karloff
The Dunwich Horror (1970) - from Lovecraft's own The Dunwich Horror; a Roger Corman-produced film
The Curse (1987) - adapted from The Colour Out of Space
The Unnamable (1988) - from The Unnamable
The Resurrected (1991) - from The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter (1992) - from The Statement of Randolph Carter
Necronomicon (1993) - a triple anthology, based upon The Rats in the Walls, Cool Air, and The Whisperer in the Darkness; the Necronomicon was also featured in Sam Raimi's trilogy of Evil Dead films: The Evil Dead (1983), Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn (1987), and Army of Darkness (1993)
In the Mouth of Madness (1994) - from director John Carpenter; with Lovecraftian themes
Lurking Fear (1994) - loosely based on The Lurking Fear
Dagon (2001, Sp.) - based upon both Dagon and The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Created in 1996-2007 © by Tim Dirks. All rights reserved

De las películas citadas, debo recomendar ampliamente NECRONOMICON y DAGON, ambas me gustaron bastante.

Lo más complicado de las adaptaciones de HPL es que ni el mismo daba visiones claras de sus creaciones, solo sentimos presencias ominosas, se habla de visiones abyectas y burbujeos salidos del espacio, es mas el ambiente lo que crea el horror, que la aparición de la entidad... en este sentido, dado que el cine es visual (y la narrativa es abstracta) es común que muchas adaptaciones (sobre todo las de F/X tradicionales) suelan fracasar.

Espero que tengan un Halloween muy divertido y no les falten un par de sustos.

(A volar)

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